понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

ford escape review 2005

Didnapos;t realize it was so long since my last post. Have been really busy with school doing papers, annotated bibliographies, a power point presentation and stuff like that. Finally doing things that will be graded. I enjoy my classes a lot and have made a few social links.

Celebrated some birthdays recently. My friend Coby came done from Buffalo to celebrate his a few weeks ago. This past weekend was Bruce and Leondraapos;s birthdays. A bunch of us went to the reopened Go for some yummy Japanese food, followed by some drinks at Cheapshots.

As for gaming I have been making a few purchases from the new store near Union Square. Playing Mega Man made me seek out some of the other games. I recently bought Mega Man and Bass for the GBA and beat both modes Yesterday. I also finished DDR Xapos;s Street Master Mode unlocking most of the songs. I gotta say that despite what the elitists say on DDR freak I love DDR X one of the best DDR Mixes I have ever played. I find myself singing the songs at work esepcially "Take a Chance" by Neuras. Love love love that song I beat the Original Neutopia, Professor Layton and am playing Dragon Quest Monsters. I had started playing Rhapsody DS but now I want my money back after the whole omission of content bullshit that Nippon Ichi pulled. Fuck you NIS

Halfway done with the semester. Will I get through the second half? Can I still balance gaming, student life and work life? Chrono Trigger and Persona 4 are right around the corner...

We shall see.

Random Library Fact: The first known cataloging system was created by Callymachus at the Alexandrian Library. The catalog was known as Pinakes.
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